Maybe in another life, when we are both cats!

Abre tus ojos, Open your eyes!

I'm a foolish young man!

Saturday, March 08, 2003

So what have I been up to

Well I've been trying to excel in coursework but it has proven a challenge all over again..I just can't let it take me down again........Other than that I've been listening to Avril Lavigne. Yeah I know that most of you don't like her main singles, but if you listen to the rest of the songs you'll find that she's incredibly good. I'm not kidding because I'm so picky about what I listen to. Ofcourse having her concerts on my pc is a big plus, since I get the full Avril experience =D.

So for what ever reason I was looking around and i found this Avril in the top of the charts. This confirms that she's way better live and in concerts than the cd which is hella cool.

Marry me Avril!!!! :) and why would that be? Because her lyrics really move me at times. It's interesting how out of nowhere someone whom you did not know they even existed can create such beauty.


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